
Struck-Klandrud American Legion Post 336


                                                                          HOUSE COMMITTEE 

1.House Committee shall consist of six voting Members.  The current Post Commander and six elected committee members comprise the voting members.  The current Post Commander votes only as a tie-breaker in the event of a tied vote by the elected members.  A quorum shall be met with 50% of the voting members plus one.  Three members are elected annually for a two year term.  Three members are elected for a three year term.  In addition to the HC, non-voting members who may include, House Committee Chariperson, the Post Finance Officer, Adjutant, Building Committee Chairperson, and the Bar Manager.

2. The House Committee shall be responsible for the care of the bar and the hall, including but not limited to, equipment, regulation of general rules, and the appointment and supervision of the Bar Manager.

3.The House Committee shall provide a code of conduct for the bar and hall areas.  This is to be published and posted.

4.Other duties as determined by the Commander. 

MEMBERS: Three year term ending for for open, Bill Crail and Gary Blanchard, June 2025.  Two year term ending June 2026 is Lynn Borchert, Stan Brueggen and Ethan Niles.