
Struck-Klandrud American Legion Post 336


Happenings at the Legion


My name is Lieutenant Colonel Robert Kirkland (U.S. Army, Retired).  I am a life member of the VFW and a member of the American Legion.   I am reaching out to you to see if you can post to your website an annual scholarship we are sponsoring for a student who served in the U.S. Army Special Forces and is now a full time student.   The award is for $1000.

It is named in honor of Captain James Ahn who died in a tragic parachuting accident while with his unit in Washington State in 2015.   The following is the link to the website:  CPT James Ahn Memorial Scholarship.    I was James’ Army ROTC Professor of Military Science when he was a cadet at the University of California Riverside.

Thanks so much for your help with letting your members know about this scholarship.


LTC Rob Kirkland


